How Much Does It Cost to Be a Certified Nursing Assistant?


There are many reasons why the idea of becoming a certified nursing assistant is an attraction notion for millions of people throughout the country. While the concept of working closely with patients to truly make a difference in their recovery process is one to excite many, the majority of aspiring CNAs are attracted to the cost of education. Unlike the majority of other medical professions, such as registered nurses, the cost of a certified nursing assistant training program is much more affordable. Along with this, the duration of training is significantly shorter. Ultimately, this means you can experience a return on your education investment much faster, which is ideal for many.

It’s important to note there are many variables that go into the overall cost of a certified nursing assistant training program. We’ll discuss several of these below; however, there are other resources to consider. One important element to always consider regardless of the cost of the program. The entire purpose of a CNA training program is to prepare you for not only a career, but to qualify for the state certification examination. Therefore, before you choose a training program based on cost, make sure to verify its accreditation with your state board of nursing.

The Average Cost of a CNA Training Program

There are two primary variables that determine the overall cost of certified nursing assistant training program. These boil down into the level of education you desire. While your state regulates the minimum number of training hours you must successful accomplish in order to qualify for examination, this does not mean all education programs cap their learning based upon these minimums.

The two most popular type of CNA training program levels include:

Diploma/Certificate: This level of education generally anywhere from four to 12 weeks. They are by far the most affordable. The average cost of this program can vary from around $1,000 to over $8,000 depending on the institution. Upon successfully completing this type of training program, you’ll be rewarded with a diploma or a certificate of completion. Typically, these programs only provide the minimum training hours to qualify for state examination.

Associate’s Degree: Upon graduating this level of training, you’re provided with an accredited Associate of Science degree. Generally, those who wish to move forward with their career and eventually earn their bachelor’s degree to become a registered nurse will choose this educational pathway. This is, by far, the most expensive option. An associate degree CNA program can cost anywhere from $10,000 to over $17,000.